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Gospel Meditation

June 9, 2019
Pentecost Sunday

“God is always more.” Have you ever heard that? If we truly believe that He is infinite, then this statement is worth exploring. Today, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit in power upon the early Church. But Pentecost wasn’t the first time the disciples received the Holy Spirit. The Gospel actually occurs chronologically before Pentecost. Soon after the Resurrection, Jesus already “came and stood in their [the disciples’] midst… he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.'” 

God is always more. Sometimes we might think the grace of God as one and done. God might break through in people’s lives, but it’s a one-time event on a retreat or preceding a dramatic conversion of life. But there’s always more to come. Even today’s Gospel isn’t the first time the breath of God stirred. In Genesis, it’s God’s breath that stirs life into Adam in the garden. Jesus breathes on the Apostles, giving them the Holy Spirit in the quiet and silence. Later, that breath will stir into a “driving wind”, and the Spirit will descend with flame…not unlike Moses on Mount Sinai.

God is always more. He has spoken throughout salvation history, and continues to speak into our lives through His Church and through the Holy Spirit alive in our hearts. This Pentecost Sunday, let us come before Him with expectant hearts! Like the disciples in the Gospel and first reading, let us await what “more” God will do.