Look at Christianity. Those of us who claim to be Christians are divided into thousands of groups, denominations, doctrines, and beliefs. Usually we find a common group within a particular church or denomination, but even there is rarely a complete agreement. The Meetings of the Bureau of the World Alliance of Religions for Peace (WARP) are the HWPL`s series of global peace dialogues on interreligious relations and written texts. These meetings aim to prevent conflicts caused by religious misunderstandings and to bring peace by gaining a deeper understanding of the norms and teachings of each religion, as well as the concept of peace referred to in each Scripture. Peace Office meetings have become a global movement, and more and more influential religious leaders are now going beyond their traditional roles and working as messengers of peace. This innovative initiative has stimulated discussions between leaders of different faiths and strengthened peaceful interactions between them. It has proven to be an effective tool for breaking down walls between religions and achieving our common goal: peace. The meetings of the Peace Bureau become an opportunity to build a bridge between religions in all parts of the world.
In the affairs of the Bahá`í community, Bahá`ís learn to overcome traditional barriers that divide people in society at large and exacerbate tensions between people of different religious backgrounds. Shoghi Effendi stated that “any community organized under the banner of Bahá`u`lláh should feel that it is Its primary and inevitable duty to promote, encourage and protect any minority belonging to a faith, race, class or nation.” One example is how all minorities, including those of a religious minority, are encouraged to participate. “If discrimination is to be tolerated,” says Shoghi Effendi, for example in discussing the corrosive effects of prejudice, “then it should be discrimination not against, but in favor of, the minority, whether racial or not.” The practice of Bahá`í elections is symbolic of this commitment to encourage minorities – when equality occurs and one of the participants belongs to a minority group in that society, that person is given priority without hesitation, without the need for another vote to break the equality. The fact is that unity and agreement are unlikely to happen in the world as we know it. There are so many different personalities, beliefs, and lifestyles that we can all agree with. But that doesn`t mean we can`t accept each other, respect each other, and live together in peace, even in our differences. Some Catholics raised other objections. Some claim that Lutheran signatories do not have the authority to represent their communities (since they are not full-fledged churches from a Catholic point of view) and that, therefore, no Lutheran can bind the agreement to the voters of the Lutheran World Federation. However, the last paragraph of the Annex to the official joint statement addresses this issue. [7] Mr.
Man Hee Lee, the HWPL president who hosted the event, expressed deep regret at the current state of religion today, stating in his speech: “Religious leaders can only properly teach religion if they know it themselves. The church is not a place where the things of the world are taught, but it serves to teach things from God`s heaven,” emphasizing, “Before we say which religion is good and which religion is bad, we must first see if my own religion is corrupt. Theology is not the teaching of man. Lord. Lee urged politicians to support policies and laws, saying, “It`s not just people of religion who receive salvation. All men can receive salvation. If we see things differently, if we can`t agree or unite in unity, at least respect each other and treat people the way you want to be treated. Another area to which the Bahá`í community is paying increasing attention is participation in discourses that have a significant impact on the well-being of humanity. Their efforts in this regard were aimed at engaging in conversations in a growing range of spaces at the international and national levels, working side-by-side with like-minded organizations and individuals and, where possible, stimulating consultation processes and identifying the underlying principles around which mutual agreement and understanding can be built. A number of these discourses, such as those on the role of religion in society, religious coexistence and freedom of religion or belief, deal directly with the imperative of overcoming the challenge of religious prejudice. Subsequently, Ms.
Nam Hee Kim, President of the International Women`s Peace Group (IWPG), said in her speech: “This agreement is just the beginning, but it has enormous power that will unite one promise with another and transform the whole world into a world of peace. This piece of paper connects one country to another and unites different classes and religions into one. She expressed her deep emotions and said: “This generation needs changes close to the Reformation. In order to create a peaceful world and leave it as an eternal legacy to future generations, today`s signing ceremony is of great importance. Tue 31 Oct 2017 06.00 GMT Last modification on Sun 4 Mar 2018 12:44 GMT The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) is a document prepared and approved in 1999 by the Pontifical Council of the Catholic Church for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the Lutheran World Federation following a comprehensive ecumenical dialogue. He asserts that the churches now share “a common understanding of our justification by the grace of God through faith in Christ.” [1] For those involved, this essentially resolves the 500-year-old conflict over the nature of the justification behind the Protestant Reformation. The World Methodist Council adopted the Declaration on July 18, 2006. [2] [3] The World Communion of Reformed Churches (representing the “80 million members of the Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, United, United and Waldensian Churches”) adopted the Declaration in 2017.
[4] `Abdu`l-Bahá emphasizes that “divine religions must be the cause of unity among men and the means of unity and love; they must proclaim universal peace, free man from prejudice, give joy and joy, show kindness to all men and eliminate all differences and distinctions. He also notes that “religion must be the cause of community and love.