St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Elizabeth Seton Carlisle Conference, will host its 7th Annual “Friends of the Poor Walk” on Saturday, September 30th at the Scotch Ridge Nature Park Trail at the Carlisle Middle School. Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. and Bishop Pates will lead the opening prayer at 9:30 a.m. The event ends at 11:00 a.m.
Live music, food and beverages provided (fruit, doughnuts, cookies, juice, water and tea). Thanks to Fareway and Casey’s! Bring a chair for socializing, a limited number will be available.
Join us at the beautiful, breathtaking Scotch Ridge Nature Park paved trail. A shuttle van will be available for those who go all the way to the end of the trail (1 hour) if you would like a ride back to the trailhead instead of walking uphill.
Walk shirts will be available before and at the walk ($5/$6). Call Sharon 989-3628. Watch for our recruitment weekend two weeks ahead of the event. Walk, pledge or volunteer! Help us help others.
For more information and/or to register and donate online you can visit our website, www.fopwalk.org/event/1797
Your donations help us help others in Carlisle with emergency needs, utilities, food, clothes, furniture, transportation, holiday baskets (60), toys and monetary monthly gifts to the area food pantry and meals. We shared over $1300 on 15 occasions last year.
Our Des Moines District serves 10,000 people a year with $9,000 monthly. There is a new second location at 510 Army Post Rd., and the food pantry has served 500 people a month! The thrift store income helps provide our services!
Photo is from group last year. Bob Watts not pictured.