St. Elizabeth Seton Faith Formation uses books from Sadlier Publishing.
Instruction will focus on how we live our faith as disciples of Jesus.
Scope and Sequence
God created us to know him and gives us the gift of faith.
The truth is written in scripture and handed down in tradition.
The Blessed Trinity- God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God invites us into a loving relationship with him.
God is merciful and gives us laws out of love.
The Synoptic Gospels tell the Good News
The Holy Spirit came to the disciples at Pentecost
God offers his people the hope of salvation.
God promises a Messiah that comes to fulfillment.
Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah.
Jesus is true God and true man.
Jesus heals and forgives.
Christ’s life and mission continue in the church
The Church is the Body of Christ
The Seven Sacraments
Penance and Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders and Matrimony
God calls each of us to a particular vocation
The Church is one and holy, Catholic and Apostolic
Corporal Works of Mercy
Through Catholic social teaching, we live out our discipleship.
We are a Communion of Saints
Mary is the Church’s greatest saint.
God has always called us to prayer
Church Liturgical Year
Advent, Christmas , Lent, Triduum, Easter, Ascension, Ordinary Time
Prayers / Content to Focus on Learning:
Sign of the Cross
Glory Be
Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary
Act of Contrition
Grace Before Meals
Grace After Meals
The 10 Commandments
Apostle’s Creed
Nicene Creed
The Seven Sacraments
Hail, Holy Queen
The Beatitudes
Corporal Works of Mercy
Spiritual Works of Mercy
Precepts of the Church
Stations of the Cross
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Celebrating Mass
The Divine Praises
Moral Virtues
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Books of the Bible
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Jerrod Kliegl
Jerrod Kliegl is the 7th grade teacher. His mom is Rowene and his son is Cameron. Jerrod works in delivery and warehouse for The Bouler Co. His hobbies include umpiring girls softball, golf, yard work, and gardening. The focus of his class is helping his students get familar with Jesus, the gospels, and reflection.