Parish members, family, staff, friends, & neighbors are invited to join us at Pete Crivaro Park and shelter on Sunday, October 4, 2015. We’re having our 5th Annual Picnic and Friends of the Poor Walk/Run fundraiser along the scenic DM River! We will have live music, a disc golf contest with prizes, 50/50 raffle and door prizes. Event t-shirts will be available at the walk. There is no entry fee but donors, sponsors, walkers, pledges and volunteers are needed. Proceeds go to the local participating or designated SVdP conferences, district council or national office for works or programs in their service areas. TASTE! TO GO, a local award-winning catering service, has graciously offered to provide the food for this event. Conference presidents are encouraged to pre-order shirts for their conferences. SVdP hats, water bottles, pedometers and tote bags will be on-site for purchase.
Registration starts at 11 A.M.; noon picnic; 1 P.M. walk begins; 2:30 P.M. awards and closing prayer. Come join in the fun.
Our organization gathers food donations & distributes one meal at our local food pantry monthly. We aid people with cash in emergencies, (also food, clothing, furniture etc….) We have a box in church hall for donations, picked up weekly. At thanksgiving we will provide a turkey dinner to +35 families. At Christmas time we will provide fresh veggies/fruit for +40 families & provide a bag of toy to over 22 families.
Please Pre-register on-line at, with your conference president or at either thrift store. It helps us plan enough food and water.
Look for info in back of church & T-shirts for sale by mid Sept.
Here is a link for our D.M. District wide event:
Here is a link for our Conference team ”Carlisle Ia. St. Lizzy’s Team” donations/registration: to donate click on a walkers name listed. You can also form your own teams.
Help us help others! Call Moe Kauzlarich, Walk Coordinator, for more information at 778-3596 or e-mail: sewnmoe!