This is Commitment Weekend for our “All In: Give To Grow” campaign for the future of our parish. Today we are hoping that you will have made your commitment to pledge your support to this vital campaign for our parish. Without over stating this point I do believe that the success of this campaign will shape the future of this parish in a profound way. We have the ability to shape the future of St. Elizabeth’s ourselves rather than having our future determined by other factors out of our control.
These things are difficult to be sure and it is asking a lot from families, yet this is a noble cause. We are asking you to make an investment into your faith and the faith of this community. This investment will secure the growth and presence of the Catholic faith in this area for decades to come. Coming up short in our hopes and dreams may jeopardize this parish’s viability in the future and we risk gambling away what many have worked so hard to build, the strong presence of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Catholic Community.
Again, on behalf of not just all of our parishioners today, but also on behalf of future parishioners, our children, grandchildren and the many souls still to come, please prayerfully consider your pledge to the future of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Father James Kirby
Loving God,
at this time in the life our parish,
we turn to you with
great anticipation for
what is yet to be
Bless us with a sense of unity,
a spirit of cooperation,
and generous hearts.
Guide us, strengthen us
and bless us
with your presence
In Jesus name we pray