My name is Jim Derwin and I’m on the Capital Campaign Committee. I support the All in Give to Grow Campaign for many reasons. We need a new fellowship hall because on Sundays when we have our pancake breakfast we have to have everyone step aside to move the chairs and then add tables. Now visualize when we have a funeral and the grieving family has to deal with the circus of moving tables and chairs. Can you tell when you go to church and it is Lent? It would be so nice going to church and not smelling fish on the weekend. We have a beautiful church and we have outgrown our church hall. Carlisle, Iowa is growing and we as a church need to provide adequate fellowship space for our church family.
Growth and change are never easy. I look at this campaign as an investment in our future. I’m very excited that Father Kirby asked me to be “All In”. Yes, we will be asking everyone for financial support for the new hall. The new hall will be able to hold up to 300 people for an event and will give St. Elizabeth the opportunity to gain rental revenue. When you get your pledge card I ask that you return it promptly so we may reach our goal. Our future looks great and I look forward to our new fellowship hall and spending time with my church family.
God Bless,
Jim Dewin