Program Offered at St. Elizabeth: Bishop Robert Barron’s The Mass
Please join in a three-week program during Advent to learn about the meaning of the Mass. Fr. Nick will lead us in the presentation of The Mass video series from Bishop Robert Barron and share his insights on Tuesday, December 5th, 12th, and 19th 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m. Refreshments will be provided.
What to expect:
Through this beautiful, engaging series, we will walk through the liturgy with Bishop Barron and be transformed through insights on the Mass – this most privileged and intimate encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. See how the Mass brings us out of the fallen world and into the heavenly realm, how it resonates with a call from God and a response from his people, the Church, and most importantly, how we are intimately joined with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus through the Holy Eucharist. The Mass will help you understand how to fully, consciously, and actively participate in the source and summit of the Christian life.
How to sign up:
A study guide is recommended for each participant, but not required. Given the importance of this topic, the parish will cover half the cost for each study guide, making it available for only $10 for each participant. If you would like to attend and order a study guide, please sign up at the table in the gathering space.
This program is being offered as an opportunity to continue to grow in our understanding of our faith. It is appropriate for high school students and all adults. If you are interested in daycare, please indicate this on the sign-up sheet. If several people are in need, we will work to arrange daycare.
For questions:
If you have questions, please contact Fr. Nick or Amy Bishop at 515-709-1862. Sponsored by the St. Elizabeth Seton Fellowship and Events Committee. Please join us!