I have been asked to share my excitement for our All In Give to Grow Capital Campaign. The new pledges have been exciting for me since I am the one who changes the white board every week. We are slowly but surely making our way to our goal. Yes; we do have many more pledges to make, but I feel like we have momentum.
I know it is a sacrifice for us all. Chris and I have had our share of sacrifices. When we were first married we had little money. When our first child was born, I made the choice to stay home to raise him. We were not sure how we were going to afford everything. Chris came home from work and said; “guess what I got a promotion and yes I am getting a raise”. Second baby came along and yes, Chris received another promotion and raise. Third baby came along…..and yes, Chris received yet another promotion and raise. Now if you ask me; I totally believe it was an intervention of our Lord. He definitely had something to do with that. It wasn’t by chance Chris got promotions and raises; no sir. Our Lord has been there every step the way to provide for our family. We are very grateful for all the blessings our Lord has given us. Now it is our turn to give to Him. What better way to show our love than to help build a new hall and expand our worship area. I know He is just as excited as we are to get started.
As we move forward think about your blessings as you consider your pledge. What opportunities has our Lord given to you? How can you give back not only with monetary giving but what gifts and talents you can provide for our parish? We need 100% participation from everyone. What a great addition to our church and community a new hall will be. Get excited!!! Get others excited!!!
Let’s have more pledges on the white board. Make me need to buy more markers.
Thank you,
Molly Schneider