Picture Re-takes!

If you were unable to get your family pictures taken earlier this month for our St. Elizabeth Parish Directory, please schedule re-takes on Monday, November 22, 2021

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Ladies Guild Soup Supper

All ladies (young and old) of the parish are invited to the Ladies Guild Annual Soup Supper on Thursday, November 11th at 6:00 p.m. Soups, dessert, and drinks will be provided. We would like everyone to please bring copies of their favorite Thanksgiving recipe for a recipe exchange (around 25...

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Faith Formation Catechist Information Night

WE NEED YOU! Faith Formation will be starting in-person in September. We are looking for volunteer catechists; please consider joining this important ministry. Perks include a ready-made curriculum to follow AND discounts on tuition – full tuition discount for regular catechists and half-priced tuition for substitutes! We will be holding...

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  ALL LADIES OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED TO THE ANNUAL SALAD SUPPER! ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 6 P.M. IN THE PARISH HALL. Bring your favorite salad or appetizer. Drinks and bread will be provided.    

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