Potluck and BINGO night!
Plan to join the parish for a Potluck and a FUN night of playing BINGO! We will meet in the Parish Hall on May 6, following the 4:30 pm Mass. More details to come!
Lenten Programs
Tuesday, February 28 – 6 pm “THE EUCHARIST – IS IT REAL?” with Dick Harmon. Do you struggle with the Church teaching on the Eucharist being the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity? Tuesday, March 7 – 6 pm “I PRAY THE LORD MY SOUL TO TAKE“...
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Please join us in the church Parish Hall from 10 a.m.- Noon. All ladies in the parish and their friends are welcome! Our group meets on the first Wednesday of each month. We make hand-made prayer shawls to provide comfort to those during difficult times.