A little about a couple of things…
The Sisters of the Convent of St. Elisabeth in Minsk, Belarus
Last week Sr. Anastasia, from the Convent of St. Elisabeth in Minsk, Belarus visited our parish and offered to sell religious items and gifts to raise money for the ministry that they do in Belarus. Their patron is not St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, but the Holy Martyr Grand Princess Elisabeth who died at the hands of the Bolsheviks during the Revolution in 1917. These Orthodox nuns are very forward thinking in their outreach to the mentally ill of their area. They are involved in helping to find housing for released prisoners, the homeless and the mentally challenged. I promised Sr. Anastasia that we would take up a second collection to help their convent. Please be generous. You can find out more information at www.obitel-minsk.by
Movies On the Outfield!
Steve Miller & Sarah Miller-Huegerich of Coldwell Banker are sponsoring a night at the movies, outdoors on the football field at Carlisle High School this Saturday June 24th. It’ll be fun for the whole family! Admission is one non-perishable food item, which will be used to help the Carlisle Food Pantry. The movie will be “Storks” and the show starts at dusk. Make sure to bring lawn chairs and blankets. Bleacher seating is also available. Sorry Sunday Mass people you missed it. 😉
Rev. James Kirby