Today’s Gospel challenges all the easy assumptions that we make about Jesus: Jesus the inspiring teacher, Jesus the compassionate preacher, Jesus the friend of the poor. He is all these, but he is also the One who comes from the Father, the One who we believe, was prepared for by the prophets, the One who stands at the center of history. The transfiguration calls us to expand our religious horizons.
As we continue our Lenten journey towards Easter, we recall the experience of the first disciples on their journey to the first Easter in Jerusalem. On a high mountain they beheld for a moment the glory of Jesus and heard the Father’s voice saying, “This is my Son, the Beloved, he enjoys my favor, listen to Him”. Let us reflect that, with the forgiveness of our sins, we may behold Christ’s glory in this celebration. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us hear Christ’s voice in our lives.
During Lent, while we prepare to commemorate the death and resurrection of Christ and celebrate the everlasting life he shares with us at Easter, we are invited to review our lives in the context of our Christian faith and the teachings of the Catholic Church. We are encouraged to repent of our sins and to do penance for them so that we can renew our relationship with Christ. Lent is characterized by prayer, fasting, and penance. Then we are drawn closer to Jesus which is our purpose here on earth! To become close to Jesus, because God made us to know, love and serve him in this world so that we may be happy with him forever in heaven.
Lord, we thank you for this season of Lent. When we climb the mountain of the Lord or make any journey with him, we are changed. So, every moment with him is well worth it!
Rev. James Kirby