“Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost…”. Or, which of you wishing to construct a new parish event center does not first sit down and calculate the cost? What better Gospel story for a capital campaign than the reading we have today from Luke’s Gospel. The answer to Jesus’ rhetorical question is “no one with any wisdom.”
Our parish sat down and calculated the cost of our Parish event center several years ago, and finding that given our parish members and the culture in which we live in, we could indeed build a parish event center. Given the input received from interviews and conversations with many in the parish, we are certainly capable in seeing this project through to completion. As it is, fulfilling our goal is slow in coming. While we should rejoice in our ability to begin the first part of our parish event center project, we cannot be complacent.
Much of what is being constructed now, is not necessarily visually impressive, but all of the grading and substructure construction is vital, not just for this phase but necessary for the final completed project. We need to lean into our capital campaign and not allow the foundation of our completed parish event center sit idle for too long.
We need your continued support so that we can manage the current construction needs responsibly and forge ahead for the final goal. Every member counts. Imagine that ribbon cutting day at the doors of our new parish event center! All of you will be filled with pride, satisfaction and renewed faith in being a part of the permanent concrete Catholic presence in this area!.
James Kirby