Folks, by now we are in full construction mode. There is no turning back! Thinking back when I first got here, your desire for a new church hall was loud and clear to me. Now we are on the verge of that desire to become reality!
The construction now is for the new entrance and new bathrooms, but we cannot be satisfied with only this. We can’t afford to wait around in order to get the rest of the church hall finished. We will do ourselves a huge favor by completing our capital campaign for the entire church hall project as a continuation of what we are in the midst of building right now.
There is no turning back and it is imperative for each of you to continue to do your part. We can not afford nor succeed if any of us stays on the sideline and simply watches. This is the moment we have talking about for years, if not decades. Our capital campaign fundraising efforts are ramping up and will be in full swing soon! Please join our cause. We are eternally grateful for those who have already given and continue to give, but we need everyone pulling on the same rope to make our dream a reality! All in Give to Grow!
Parish Trip to Jerusalem Trial Balloon.
I have had conversations with Crown of Bethlehem Tours about the possibility of sponsoring a trip to the Holy Land. Nothing has been set in stone. I will be meeting with the tour company about possible dates and schedule. It will not be inexpensive. Most of the Holy Land Tours would be for 12-13 days. I would be helping to plan it and off the top off my head, I would obviously like to spend time in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, but also include Masada, the Dead Sea, Jericho, and perhaps include a trip to Nazareth and Caesarea Philippi.
Let me know if you have any interest.
James Kirby