My name is Meredith Christenson and I have been a member of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church my entire life. Last weekend, we kicked off the public phase of our capital campaign to build a new fellowship hall. My parents were involved in the building of our existing facility 40 years ago and the capital campaign to raise the funds to do so. I want to be able to look back in 40 years and have pride in the fact that I played a part in the building of our new fellowship hall, which is Phase 1 of our “All In: Give to Grow” Project. This new hall will provide our parish a wonderful space to gather for fellowship – coffee after Sunday Mass, fish fry dinners during Lent, senior potluck lunches, Ladies Guild salad suppers and meetings, wedding receptions, funeral dinners, graduation parties, etc. Every single member of our parish will be touched by this project – from participating in these events to no longer having to transition our current fellowship space from Mass seating to fellowship seating.
Therefore, every single member of our parish needs to be “All In – Give to Grow” so that we can make this vision a reality. What can you do? Over the next few weeks, you will receive a letter at home with a pledge card. Please prayerfully consider what you can pledge to contribute to this much needed project and return your card promptly. Not what you can easily afford – but what you can stretch to give. We realize that everyone has many financial obligations at home and that many of you already give generously to our parish and the diocese. We are asking you to make a commitment to the future of our parish – if we don’t continue to grow, we may no longer be here to celebrate our faith together. Think about this – do you want to be a part of our future? Do you want to look back in 40 years and be able to say, “I was a part of building that.” Thank you.