Virtual (Friends of the Poor) FOP Walk benefiting the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
September 12th through 27th, 2020 – Walkers choose their location! www.fopwalk.org/event/2497 -To register for walk, pledge, donate and general information. This event is hosted by St. Elizabeth Seton Conference.
September 27th (following 9:00 am mass) 10:00- 11:00 collect pledges. Please make checks out to St. Vincent de Paul.
Donations will be accepted online through October 31st, 2020
All proceeds raised for the Friends of the Poor® Walk will stay local, to help those living in poverty/emergencies.
For questions please contact Moe – 515-778-3596
E-mail us your photos for our web page. Come see who walked/biked & locations! Or load it on our event Facebook page!

Ben Barry family of Carlisle.