Miracles Do Happen
Discussion led by Moe Kauzlarich, who wants to share about prayer/healing services that was led by Dr. Nemeh last July in Cleveland. Also Feb. 4th watch Dr. Oz, the Today Show, and Good Morning America as Dr. Reddinger of Harvard will be discussing his new book “Cured” which is about...
Altar Server Bowling Party
Current and new Altar Servers plan to join us from 11:30 – 1:30 p.m. Sunday Feb. 2nd for a Bowling Party at Air Lanes.
Christensen Rehearsal/Wedding
Rehearsal Friday morning @ 10 a.m. Wedding at 5:30 p.m.
Mother’s Group
New group forming for mothers of young children. Come and join us for our first gathering after mass on October 27th. Breakfast will be served. Sponsored by: St. Elizabeth Seton Ladies Guild