Inner Visions Health Care Volunteer Party

On Sunday, August 19th, following the 9:00 Mass, you will have an opportunity to learn about volunteer opportunities at the new Inner Visions HealthCare location that will be opening near St. Vincent DePaul on Army Post Road.

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A Call to Holiness

All are invited to “A Call to Holiness”, an evening of music and reflection with presenters, Chuck and Alicia Brock.  They will be joined by special guest Julia Carrick, to share a message of faith, discipleship and a call to holiness in today’s world.  Join us at Christ The King...

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Grief Support Group

The Grief Support Group, led by Mike Kinter, meets in the church hall on the third Sunday of each  month.  All are welcome!    

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Grief Support Group

All are welcome to join us in the church hall on Sunday, May 20th at 7:00 p.m.   This group is led by Mike Kinter and will continue to meet on the third Sunday of each month

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Eucharistic Adoration

Everyone is invited to attend to adore and to honor the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. Give Adoration a try and see how it will change your life! Each hour that you spend with Jesus will deepen His divine peace in your heart. Feel free to borrow the books for meditation and prayer that...

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Prayer Shawl Meeting

Join us in the church hall as we make prayer shawls for those who need a healing touch.  Everyone welcome!

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Ladies Guild March Meeting

Ladies Guild will meet on Thursday, March 8th at 7:00 pm with a St. Patrick’s Day theme.  There will be a speaker from St. Vincent DePaul Society, Des Moines District to share updates on how they help others through membership, employment, two thrift stores, an education department, social services (food pantry, free clothing/furniture and financial...

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Surge of the Heart Parish Mission

Mark your calendars for our Surge of the Heart Parish Mission on Wednesday, February 21st here at St. Elizabeth, starting at 6:30 pm. Nationally known Catholic speaker and best-selling author, Jon Leonetti, will be here leading the way! Jon travels extensively helping Catholics understand the greatest story ever told–the story...

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