As you notice, things are getting real for our remodeling. Carpet is changing, the outside of the building is changing and the roof is changing.
It all seems to make sense because this Sunday is the last Sunday of Ordinary Time,
concluding with this feast of Christ the King. Next week we begin the season of Advent the first days of the new church year.
If everything goes according to plan, we’re hoping to have a ribbon cutting ceremony for our new addition sometime during Advent.
I’d like to thank all of you for all of your support both personally and financially. I know it has been a mess but I know that it is a good problem to have. I appreciate all of your
patience with our construction and know that there will be future inconveniences as our project goes on.
Obviously, this is the first step of many other steps as we continue to grow as our parish grows in population and in physical space. Donations have been coming in and we’re gaining confidence in our ability to keep our project moving forward as we move toward completing the whole church hall.
With our expansion and all the new aspects of our new parish, the character of our parish continues to change for the better. We strive to be interactive, as graphically designed posts and social media are today!As we continue to grow, our Demographics continue to change, new families and new neighborhoods are beginning to pop up all over our area and we continue to see a growth in population in this part of Warren County.
Again, thank you to all of you as we continue to be all in together to grow!
James Kirby