July 7, 2019
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Sunday, Jesus reminds us that “the harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” As Catholic disciples, we are the laborers that the Master is sending. All around us are opportunities to share the love and mercy of Jesus Christ – our homes, our workplaces, our neighborhoods, even our faith communities! Lest we feel unequipped for the task, Jesus gives us some advice.
“Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals.” We might not have a theology degree or training in public speaking, but that doesn’t mean we can’t share the Gospel. The power of God is at work in simplicity. The disciples went forth with nothing as a reminder to trust in the Providence of God. Say a little prayer that God will speak through you and has a need for your gifts, just as you are.
“Do not move about from one house to another.” So much of the life of Jesus was about relationships. He modeled this attitude by journeying with his disciples. Here he makes the same recommendation to them, to remain with the same family for their entire stay in the town. Break bread with others. Invite them to coffee or a game night in your home. Sharing your faith isn’t just about saying the right thing, but loving well over time.
“The dust of your town that clings to our feet, even that we shake off.” Sometimes we want to help someone, but for whatever reason, they don’t receive it well. Sometimes people aren’t interested in our efforts to invite them deeper into faith. When rejection happens, don’t carry it with you. Don’t let it over-burden your heart. Rejoice that you share in the mission of Christ, and keep on loving the next person he places in your path!