Gospel of Mark Class
All are welcome to join this ongoing class in the church fellowship hall – Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Lenten Book Club Discussion
All are invited to take part in our Lenten book club. This year’s book is Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly. Books are available from Amy Bishop at a greatly reduced rate of $3.50. We will have two book discussions that we hope you take part in: Monday, March 13, 7-8...
Extraordinary Minister Training
Anyone that is interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister, there will be a short training meeting after Mass on Saturday, March 4 and again on Sunday, March 5. We are looking for new ministers, and we are also looking for help taking Communion to the Care Center and shut-ins on...
Extraordinary Minister Training
Anyone that is interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister, there will be a short training meeting after Mass on Saturday, March 4 and again on Sunday, March 5. We are looking for new ministers, and we are also looking for help taking Communion to the Care Center and shut-ins on...
Acts of the Apostles
Please join this interesting class, which meets in the church fellowship hall. All are welcome!
Acts of the Apostles Bible Study
Join this fascinating class in the church fellowship hall, Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m.
Human Trafficking Event
The St. Elizabeth Social Concerns Committee is planning an event on Monday, February 13 at 7:00 p.m. to raise awareness about the serious crime of human trafficking. We will have a speaker from Dorothy’s House, a safe place for the victims of trafficking, as well as a representative from the...