Advent Program: Bishop Robert Barron’s The Mass

Program Offered at St. Elizabeth:  Bishop Robert Barron’s The Mass   Please join in a three-week program during Advent to learn about the meaning of the Mass.  Fr. Nick will lead us in the presentation of The Mass video series from Bishop Robert Barron and share his insights on Tuesday, December...

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Eucharistic Adoration

Everyone is invited to attend to adore and to honor the Eucharistic Presence of Christ after Mass on Tuesday’s. Give Adoration a try and see how it will change your life! Each hour that you spend with Jesus will deepen His divine peace in your heart. Feel free to borrow...

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Christmas Basket Distribution

St. Vincent DePaul  members will be assembling Christmas boxes for local families beginning Friday, December 15, 1 – 8 pm taping boxes, setting up. Saturday 12/16, Fill boxes w/ food 8:30 – 1:00 pm, then distribute. Volunteers are welcome!

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