Carlisle Community Thanksgiving Service

St. Elizabeth Seton will host the Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 19th at 7:00 pm. There will be a time for fellowship after the service, and Ladies Guild will provide refreshments. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!  

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Save the Date!

Feliz Navidad! Remember to save Saturday, December 2nd for a fun social event at LaVilla Mexican restaurant in Carlisle. Watch the bulletin for details to be announced soon.

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Jesus offered a stinging indictment and criticism to the scribes and Pharisees.  On the one hand he is correct in pointing out that they are an extension of Moses as the ones who are giving continual voice to the Law, but is quick to remind the crowd of how badly...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today, from Matthew’s Gospel we hear the familiar, “Greatest Commandment” description that Jesus utters to silence the Pharisees. A little background… Take a look at the first reading from Exodus. In that reading you can get a sense of what the Jewish people, of the time, thought the greatest commandment...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

The first reading is from the Prophet Isaiah.  It is one of the more famous writings of his and it talks about, what St. Thomas Aquinas would have called “The Beatific Vision.”  This is the vision of how things will be when the Lord comes again, when the Kingdom of...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel is all about lack of trust, greed and selfishness, even when it comes to religion and faith.  It seems as though anything which can be had will be coveted and anything coveted can be stolen.  It seems as though human nature leads us to the temptation of taking...

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Friends help friends! We met for a two mile fun walk/run on September 30 at Scotch Ridge Nature Park in Carlisle.  The walk began at the Carlisle Middle School and all attending enjoyed live music, food and beverages. The two trails are beautiful. For those who went all the way through to the West end and did not...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

It seems as though there are more examples of the second son, from Jesus’ “two sons” parable in today’s Gospel. How many of us are quick to say “yes, I will do the work of the Lord,” but have trouble following through? How many examples are there in the world...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel is not so much about the seeming injustice of the land owner and how he pays his laborers, it is more about the inflated sense of worth that his laborers seem to have.  The underlying issue is, “the longer I work, the more pay I should receive or...

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Opportunity to Help St. Joseph Shelter Families

Families staying at the St. Joseph Family Shelter in Des Moines have an ongoing need for transportation to job interviews, doctor appointments, work, etc.  You can help by purchasing bus tokens (10 for $17.50) at any Hy-Vee store and bringing them to church by October 22nd.  There will be a collection basket in the church entry. The...

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