First Holy Communion and Confirmation

Congratulations to the students in the First Communion and Confirmation classes! We want to especially thank Stacy Henkelman, (Catechist Leader), Kevin Sinclair, teacher for First Communion, and Jenny Sinclair, teacher for Confirmation, and all the teachers who so faithfully teach our students. We also thank Father Kirby for his faithful guidance...

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Phyllis Davis Memorial Linen Drive

St. Vincent DePaul is hosting the  Phyllis Davis Memorial Linen Drive. Please donate your new or gently used linens in the bins that will be in the entry way of the church.  We will extend the drive until May 7th. Also, if you want to purchase raffle tickets (six for $5.00) for nice prizes, please see...

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Girls Night In

On Thursday, May 11th at 7:00 p.m., Ladies Guild will be celebrating our last meeting of the year with a Girls Night In! All women of the parish are invited! Bring an appetizer (and recipe) to the church fellowship hall.  Coffee and tea will be provided. Bring wine if you wish. This...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Imagine the first moment Jesus appears in a locked room, in the midst of his petrified disciples. What are his first words after dying a horrifying death, being betrayed by those closest to him and now rising from the dead? You would think it would be something like, “Wow! That...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Imagine the emotional whiplash the disciples must have experienced in those few days. They were jerked out of their horror and grief of that Friday, to unimaginable shock, joy and happiness. No doubt that they had been dragged through the lowest of the lows of human existence to the highest...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Perhaps looking from the “Lions Gate”  across the Kidron Valley toward the Mt. of Olives, you could imagine the scene in today’s Gospel. You would likely see a small group of people following a man riding on a donkey. As the group made its way down the southeastern slope of...

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Mary’s Meals Run

Join us for the Mary’s Meals Run on Saturday, May 13th at 9:00 a.m. in Historic Valley Junction. Your registration-whether 10K or 5K, walking or running-will feed one child in desperate need of food for an entire school year through Mary’s Meals. Bishop Emeritus Joseph Charron will lead the opening...

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April is Donate Life Month

Mark your calendars and join us for Coffee Sunday on April 2nd to hear Leslie Becker speak about organ donation and the impact it has had on her life. You will also have an opportunity after Mass the weekend of April 1st and 2nd to register as a donor if...

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