Father Kirby’s Korner

“Beware of the scribes, who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces, seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets.” Jesus uses strong words to express his feelings and warnings about the hypocritical leaders of his day, specifically some of the...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” These words spoken by Jesus are often overlooked or conveniently ignored in so many ways in our day and age.  What is continually embarrassing, it that it is often those who most strongly profess their Christianity are sometimes the worst offenders.  How many...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel from Mark, features someone by the name of Bartimaeus. Mark, uncharacteristically  gives us a lot of information about who he is. He is blind and we are for some reason told who his father is, Timaeus.  Further examination of the story, tells us that he is poor, since...

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