Wishing everyone a happy and blessed Easter!
Wishing everyone a happy and blessed Easter!
It’s too late, you are already settled and seated in your pew before you remember that the Passion readings are part of Palm Sunday Mass. Yes, it is a lengthy reading but the Passion Narrative contains most of the reasons and hopes for our Christian faith. If you think standing...
In today’s Gospel John goes into great detail in describing the manner in which Jesus drove out the money changers. John feels it necessary to describe Jesus’ “weapon” as a whip out of cords. Then Jesus quotes Psalm 69 “Zeal for my Father’s house consumes me.” Why does Jesus have...
Often, we decide to give up chocolate, jelly beans, TV, social media for Lent, and those are all noble sacrifices for Lent. But when I think about it, how does giving up chocolate compare with the extreme act of love and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross? The reality is,...
Parish Mission Coming Soon! Our heavily anticipated Surge of the Heart Parish Mission is coming on Wednesday, February 21st from 6:30-8:30 p.m.! We encourage everyone of the parish to join us for a life changing experience with nationally known Catholic speaker, author, and radio host, Jon Leonetti. Jon will give...
Do you know why Simon Peter denied Jesus three times? Because Jesus cured his mother in-law. Hahaha! There are few good theological jokes and the previous attempt is not one of them. Some look at today’s reading of Jesus curing Simon’s mother-in-law as validation of women’s subordinate role in society...
Today we hear from Mark’s Gospel at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus proclaims, “the Kingdom of God is at hand!” If you were a first century Jew living in Palestine and heard someone say the Kingdom of God is at hand, you would imagine a couple of things that...
St. Elizabeth Knights of Columbus is excited to announce the return of the Free Throw Championship contest this year! Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 27th from 10 AM to 1 PM. The contest will be held at the Carlisle High School Gym. Any boy or girl, age 9-14 (as of January...
We all are familiar with the beloved story of the Magi as they followed the star faithfully to finally pay homage to the newborn Savior. A couple of things are important to realize and take note of when admiring the Magi’s faith journey in order that we might learn from...
The city of Bethlehem is a contradiction for most Christians, while on the one hand it is the city of David, the birthplace of our Lord, yet on the other hand, in reality, it is a place of conflict, suppression, violence and too often despair. Even in the Church of...