Father Kirby’s Korner

It seems as though Paul, in his letter to the Hebrews is all into the Olympic spirit. “Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

It is interesting as we watch the 2016 Rio Olympics unfold, particularly as we watch the opening ceremony and all of the well known Olympic symbols, how familiar these symbols are to Catholicism. Doesn’t the Olympic Flame bear a striking similarity to the Easter Candle?  Could the doves that are...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

We are all stunned by the escalation of violence these past days, both by authorities and non-authorities alike. As shocked as we may be by violent acts, I am wondering if we should really be surprised or at least wonder if our own attitudes and emotions play a part in...

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Blessings and Sacrifices

I have been asked to share my excitement for our All In Give to Grow Capital Campaign. The new pledges have been exciting for me since I am the one who changes the white board every week. We are slowly but surely making our way to our goal. Yes; we...

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Congratulations to 2016 Graduates

The parishioners of St. Elizabeth offer our congratulations  to the following students:  Sheridan Crippen, Ryan Dille, Tyler Donovan, Jacob Henkelman, Andrew Hill, Virginia Kinter, Nicholas Klier, Jacob Lawless, MacKenzie Lose, Brady McMains, Brian Robertson, Kaici Skay, and Mia Spitzer. Best wishes and prayers as you begin the next chapter!

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Prayer Chain and Ladies Guild News

If you would like to have your e-mail address added to the Ladies Guild Group please send it to mcculloughsandy@yahoo.com  You will receive prayer requests and other bits of information regarding our ladies group. We would love to have email addresses from all the ladies of the parish. Hope to hear...

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How Much Should I Pledge?

I heard it once said that everything we have is not really ours. Actually we wouldn’t have anything if it were not for the blessings we receive from God. These blessings provide for our families and the work of the Lord. As such we are asked to give freely; to...

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Commitment Weekend!

This is Commitment Weekend for our “All In: Give To Grow” campaign for the future of our parish. Today we are hoping that you will have made your commitment to pledge your support to this vital campaign for our parish. Without over stating this point I do believe that the success of...

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Prayer for our Parish

These are critical days for our parish as we await your response to our public announcement about our parish’s capital campaign.  As we await your commitments, we can serve our parish well by reciting this prayer for our parish and our capital campaign.  Loving God, at this time in the...

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