Fr Kirby’s Korner

It is amazing how often we have to relearn the lesson that Jesus teaches us in today’s Gospel, “Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known.” How much energy do we spend covering our tracks over things we want to hide from others....

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Welcome Back!

Our first Mass will be Friday, June 12th at 7:00 p.m. Due to COVID-19, advance registration will be required. To sign up to come to our first Mass go to: Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

This past week has been a whirlwind of protests, violence and controversy. It has laid bare some of our biggest fears, emotions and has challenged our deep seated views and feelings, some we are proud of and some we are not. Taking photos at one of the protests last week,...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Without harping too much about the phrase “the new normal,” to me, the reading from Acts today, describing the Pentecost scene, begs for another analogy with today’s health crisis. As I have mentioned during Holy Week and throughout this Easter Season, beginning Good Friday, the disciples were on an emotional...

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Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension of Jesus. The disciples are now faced with, “the new normal” as they faced life without the physical presence of Jesus on earth. Just like us, the disciples were trying to adjust to a new normal, they, as they faced life without Jesus...

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Update on preparing to have Mass again.

There are many guidelines that will be required before we can gather for Mass again. We will be in need of face masks, hand sanitizer, lysol wipes, and disinfectant sprays. Please go to the following link on our Facebook page for all the latest information on returning to Mass.

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Today, in John’s Gospel Jesus reminds his anxious disciples that he will be physically leaving them, but he will not abandon them like orphans. It is important to remember an orphan in first century Palestine is one of the lowest rungs of social standing. An orphan has no real legal standing and has no...

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Go to our Facebook Page for all the latest Parish information!

For up to date information concerning our parish and when we will be reopening, click here for our Facebook Page We are formulating the procedures for Mass attendance and implementation of the Diocesan guidelines for celebrating Mass in our parish. Please be patient and understand the need to be...

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