Gospel Meditation

“When you have done all you have been commanded, say ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.” The metaphor in the story could seem harsh to us today. A servant has worked hard all day, and rather than receiving a much-needed respite, the master...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Wow, the Gospel today sure sends shivers up your spine. I imagine being treated as we treat the least of God’s kingdom in heaven!  Makes me wonder. Imagine how the least of God’s kingdom are being treated today?  Yikes! You know it is one thing to imagine one person held...

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Gospel Meditation

Compartmentalization or consistency? In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells a strange story of a sneaky, savvy steward that raises questions about our personal virtue. “How much do you owe? Here is your promissory note, write one for eighty.” This parable isn’t advice for money management. Historically, there were many positions...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

“Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost…”. Or, which of you wishing to construct a new parish event center does not first sit down and calculate the cost?  What better Gospel story for a capital campaign than the reading we...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

The message of the Gospel is not about social etiquette, it is about humility and authenticity. As Jesus begins his speech to the people in the house, specifically the Pharisees, it sounds like he is simply helping people avoid embarrassment. As he continues, the more serious point of his parable...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel should alarm us, particularly if we ponder the idea that somehow God will not recognize us. How or why could God ever not recognize us? What would the circumstances be and more importantly how do we make sure that God does recognize us? Jesus is not clear in...

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Gospel Meditation

August 18, 201920th Sunday in Ordinary Time  The Prince of Peace wants to set the world on fire? This Sunday’s Gospel can sound more intense than what we may be accustomed to. It’s a passage of contradictions. Jesus so clearly prays for unity, yet here he speaks of division. Why...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

I wanted to let all of you know that I will be gone until August 19. Fr. Tom DeCarlo will be covering the Masses for me. I am sure many of you know Fr. DeCarlo (Tank) from his days leading the way for youth ministry back in the 1970’s with...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel once again is a story told by Jesus, which attempts to align us to the proper view of heaven and earth; temporal and spiritual and things of this life as opposed to things of eternal life. Obviously things in this life have their proper place and value. There...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

As you can easily notice, we are in full blown construction mode! We are at a crossroads. While we are able to complete the new entrance and bathrooms, as well as add more parking, the dream of our new event center hinges on our continued commitment to this important capital...

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