Operation Backpack

The CCA will once again be collecting school supplies for the children in Carlisle in need of some help. Cash donations will also be appreciated. Please bring your donations to the Church by July 30th. A list of suggested supplies is available in the church entry.  Thank you for your...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us the familiar phrase where he says to us “come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” It is one of those things that sounds wonderful and comforting, but do we really know what Jesus is asking...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

There is an odd little addition to Jesus’ speech in today’s Gospel. Jesus’ speech is about the importance of loving him above all else and then how important it is to keep in perspective the things of earth compared to the things of heaven. Toward the end Jesus pivots and...

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Congratulations to Jim Derwin, who has been awarded the Knight of the Year for the St. Elizabeth Council of the Knights of Columbus. Jim has been a huge contributor to Knights activities including spearheading the fish fries and the Sunday breakfasts for the group. Thanks for all you do, Jim!...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

A little about a couple of things… The Sisters of the Convent of St. Elisabeth in Minsk, Belarus Last week Sr. Anastasia, from the Convent of St. Elisabeth in Minsk, Belarus visited our parish and offered to sell religious items and gifts to raise money for the ministry that they do in...

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Gospel of John Study Group

Are you spiritually and intellectually hungry?  Are you free Wednesday evenings around 7:00 p.m?  Would you like to mingle and perhaps even hob knob with some of the greatest theological minds in all of Warren County and the southern part of Polk County? If you answer yes to at least...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi or “The Body and Blood of Christ.” The feast day is a way of honoring two things, the physical reality of God becoming human in the Corpus Christi and the Eucharist, Christ’s body and blood in the transubstantiated bread and wine at...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

This weekend’s readings send shivers up every clergy-person’s spine, regardless of denomination or rank. Trinity Sunday. What is anyone supposed to say about the Trinity? It is a concept that has caused gallons of ink to be spilled trying to explain it. It is a topic that only the stout...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Here is what you are missing from our Acts of the Apostles Study Group… Luke, the author of Acts, makes it vital that in order to understand the early church and the rest of the Acts of the Apostles, you must understand Pentecost. The Holy Spirit now takes center stage...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Ascension….typically ascending is considered a positive thing and descending a negative thing. When we rise we assume it is for the better and falling not so good. How did this come to be? These are the types of questions that keep me up at night. “Why is up good and...

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