Fr Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel story is rather embarrassing for John the Baptist and his disciples. He is seemingly unsure that Jesus is the Christ or not. We like to imagine John, full of confidence ad certitude, however John is in many ways like us. He is simply unsure sometimes. He wants to...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

I always thought John the Baptist would be someone you would hate opposing but would love having on your side. I remember when I was a hospital chaplain, there was an emergency room doctor who at first glance, seemed to be the biggest jerk at the hospital. In the emergency...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel seems to be misplaced for the First Sunday of Advent. The Gospel from Matthew, is taken from Jesus’ description of the Apocalypse. Why would we have this sort of Gospel on the First Sunday of Advent?  We often think of Advent as Christmas shopping season. The theological issues...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

As you notice, things are getting real for our remodeling. Carpet is changing, the outside of the building is changing and the roof is changing. It all seems to make sense because this Sunday is the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, concluding with this feast of Christ the King. Next...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Those familiar with the Book of Revelations, will recognize the words, themes and predictions of Jesus concerning the end times. The author of The Revelations, John, we know was familiar with the Hebrew Scripture as well as the emerging Gospels available in the 1st and 2nd century. It is obvious...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

Every now and then we will encounter someone who likes to make a mockery of something we value and or what we believe. In an obvious sarcastic example they will come up with some absurd situation and or example to highlight their disdain for whatever they disapprove of. They can...

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

I have a question, why does Luke spend so much time describing Zacchaeus’ small stature and his act of climbing a tree? The story of Jesus and Zacchaeus could easily be told without such details. Of course, being the biblical scholars that you are, you know well that Luke is...

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Carlisle PumpkinFest 2019

St. Vincent de Paul Society members from St. Elizabeth parish helped the community at Carlisle’s PumpkinFest 10/26/19.  They ran a gourd & pumpkin painting booth. 100 children had a great time painting & many parents helping.  The free will donations went toward family holiday baskets!

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Fr Kirby’s Korner

“The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity — greedy, dishonest, adulterous…” This is what the Pharisee prays in the parable Jesus tells in today’s Gospel. This is an example of someone who “is full”...

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