Father Kirby’s Korner

Do you know why Simon Peter denied Jesus three times? Because Jesus cured his mother in-law. Hahaha! There are few good theological jokes and the previous attempt is not one of them. Some look at today’s reading of Jesus curing Simon’s mother-in-law as validation of women’s subordinate role in society...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today we hear from Mark’s Gospel at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.  Jesus proclaims, “the Kingdom of God is at hand!”  If you were a first century Jew living in Palestine and heard someone say the Kingdom of God is at hand, you would imagine a couple of things that...

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Free Throw Contest

St. Elizabeth Knights of Columbus is excited to announce the return of the Free Throw Championship contest this year! Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 27th from 10 AM to 1 PM.  The contest will be held at the Carlisle High School Gym. Any boy or girl, age 9-14 (as of January...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

We all are familiar with the beloved story of the Magi as they followed the star faithfully to finally pay homage to the newborn Savior. A couple of things are important to realize and take note of when admiring the Magi’s faith journey in order that we might learn from...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

The city of Bethlehem is a contradiction for most Christians, while on the one hand it is the city of David, the birthplace of our Lord, yet on the other hand, in reality, it is a place of conflict, suppression, violence and too often despair. Even in the Church of...

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Advent Tree 2017

Thank you!! to all who took a tag from the Advent Tree and purchased items to be distributed to the Carlisle Care Center, Catholic Charities, Central Iowa Shelter, Dorothy’s House, Hope Ministries, Inner Visions, and Ruth Harbor.  Your generosity will touch and bless the lives of those served by all of these organizations!  

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today, we hear part of the first chapter of John.  It is a dialogue between John the Baptist and the Jewish priests and Levites from Jerusalem.  They are concerned with the things he has been proclaiming, the way he has been acting and his baptism.  Baptism would not have been...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

In today’s Gospel, we get reintroduced to John the Baptist, the most underrated person in the Gospels, nay, in all of Christianity. John is mentioned in all four Gospels and is portrayed as practically the only one who really “gets it” in all four Gospels. John even scores better than...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Happy New Year! Yes, it is true that beginning at Sundown this Saturday we begin our new liturgical year.  For those of you keeping score at home, we are in year two for our weekday lectionary cycle and year B for our Sunday lectionary cycle.  This liturgical year we will...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Greetings, from Tantur! As many of you know, at this time during the year, I visit Tantur, located between Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Tantur is an ecumenical institution owned by Notre Dame. Tantur is an “oasis of learning, community and hospitality.” It is a place situated in the midst of the...

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