Father Kirby’s Korner

Communication is something that continues to evolve. Ever since humans began writing on the walls of caves, communication has become more creative, sometimes simpler, sometimes more complex. For generations, communication has continue to evolve, but no matter what form communication takes on or changes into, the same principles apply. There...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Well, well, well, Peter, last week, was the shining star, the fair haired kid, the rock, this week…not so much. Just when he must have been feeling good, given the keys of the kingdom, in today’s Gospel he is called a Satan, by Jesus himself. It doesn’t get any worse...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel from Matthew is about identity. What is my real identity? What do others think my identity is? These are the questions Jesus is pondering and questioning his disciples about. Peter seems to understand Jesus’ identity…at least for awhile. Peter at least voices a description of Jesus’ identity, but...

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7th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk

St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Elizabeth Seton Carlisle Conference, will host its 7th Annual “Friends of the Poor Walk” on Saturday, September 30th  at the Scotch Ridge Nature Park Trail at the Carlisle Middle School.  Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. and Bishop Pates will lead the opening prayer at 9:30 a.m. The event ends at...

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Baby Bottle Campaign

We have organized a Baby Bottle Campaign for Inner Visions HealthCare, a local unplanned pregnancy and STD medical clinic. Their mission is to empower women in vulnerable and desperate situations to embrace their womanhood and motherhood and choose life. Please take one of the bottles you will find in the gathering space,...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

After Mass on Friday, I sat down with one of my runners from “back in the day,” Tanelle Berard.  You might remember Tanelle coming to our church and speaking with us about her mission to evangelize at various college campus’s in the country.  Tanelle is married now and she and...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

Today’s Gospel features the familiar parable of the “Sower of the Seed” and one of the key words of this story is “sow.” The word “sow” does not capture the original sense of the meaning Jesus was trying to convey in the parable. Sowing for a farmer in first century...

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Check out the SVDP Coffee Bar!

The St. Elizabeth Saint Vincent DePaul conference has set up a new Keurig Coffee Bar in the kitchen. All are invited to enjoy a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and throw a couple of bucks in the jar. We’ll use the funds to do the work of our SVDP...

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Operation Backpack

The CCA will once again be collecting school supplies for the children in Carlisle in need of some help. Cash donations will also be appreciated. Please bring your donations to the Church by July 30th. A list of suggested supplies is available in the church entry.  Thank you for your...

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Father Kirby’s Korner

In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us the familiar phrase where he says to us “come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” It is one of those things that sounds wonderful and comforting, but do we really know what Jesus is asking...

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